Follow Me: Focusing on Christ Instead of Others

It  was another request. Another need that had to be met. My Martha spirit smiled and said, “sure”, while my heart inwardly sank a little bit. But it was fine – I could make it work. After all – I WAS here to serve. I jumped into the new task while juggling my other responsibilities. But soon, my eyes strayed from my tasks to those who appeared to be sitting on the sidelines. Wait. Why weren’t they being asked?

Soon that passing glance became an outright, intense, searching stare. Why weren’t they doing all of this, too?

Maybe you are the teacher who always stays late while the teacher next door is out by 3:15.

Maybe you are the teacher who is on several committees while other teachers are never asked.

Perhaps you pour yourself into your students all week long only to be found diligently serving during the Sunday services every weekend, while other church members never sign up for the nursery or junior church rotation.

Or maybe you feel like you are working as hard as you can, but you aren’t seeing results. Your eyes enviously go to that successful teacher or friend, and you kind of wish that God would give you the same success.

Teachers typically have servants’ hearts, but if I can be honest, sometimes my eyes can go from serving to wondering why others aren’t serving as much as I am. Do they not see the needs? Does no one think to ask them to help instead of me?

And, soon, instead of my  service being a joyful ministry for God & others, it becomes a heavy burden. A burden that only grows as the weight of resentment is added to it. My burden seems so much greater than theirs – why aren’t they sharing the burden?  

While there are a whole slew of issues we could discuss – the importance of saying no, facing our own Martha spirit, etc. The Lord recently convicted me of my need to get my eyes off of others & onto the job that He has given me. Certain seasons are busier than others, and in those seasons, I can choose to serve God joyfully or resentfully compare my busyness to that of others.

God brought to mind the story of Peter when he first met Christ after the resurrection in John 21. Christ is on the shore while the disciples are fishing. Christ gives them a miraculous catch of fish, and they realize that it is Him standing there on the shore. Peter literally throws himself into the water to try to make it to Jesus as fast as he could. I can only imagine the desperation of Peter – he had denied Christ three times before Christ was crucified.  He never got to say sorry. Now, Christ is risen from the dead & standing right there on shore, cooking them breakfast!

Christ tells the disciples to bring some of fish they had caught – good old Peter, as usual, goes all out – dragging 153 fish to shore…I guess he was pretty hungry! But as I read the verse, there was a detail I had missed before – apparently (but not surprisingly!), this net was pretty heavy with all of those fish. But as Peter drags it in, John specifically mentions that the net didn’t break.

“So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn.” 

John 21:11

Now I don’t know why those details were included – the number of fish and the fact that the net didn’t break. But when I read it, I see Peter carrying a very heavy burden..and God helping him to sustain that burden by not allowing that net to break apart.

In verses 15-19, Jesus & Peter have a discussion. Three times Jesus asks Peter if he loves him. Three times, Peter answers, “yes”. Then Christ gives him some important & probably overwhelming tasks. He asks Peter to feed & shepherd his people. He then tells Peter that he is going to face a difficult death that would result in the glory of God.  In following Christ, Peter is going to bear a burden much greater than a net full of fish…but God is going to sustain Him.

Phew. I can only imagine how heavy that must have been to take in. Aaaanndd, yet, Peter immediately turns and looks at John. And He wants to know what God’s plan is for Him. Is he going to die, too?

I don’t know Peter’s motivation in asking this question. I can’t get in his thoughts, but I can’t help wondering if he was like me.  Is John going to suffer, too? Do you have a hard & heavy burden for him, too? Are you going to ask him to do as much for you as I am going to do?

And I love Jesus’ answer.

Jesus said unto him, “if it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!”

John 21:22

What is that to you? You follow me!

Jesus lovingly but pointedly redirects Peter’s focus. Don’t worry about him and what I have for him. You follow me!

And He says the same to me as he observes my wandering eyes and heart. Stop looking around at others – both their burdens & their successes.  Rachel, follow ME! Your burdens may be great, but my strength is greater. Stop comparing & keep your eyes fixed on me. Trust that I have given you everything you need to serve me.

My restless soul would rather look at others & what God has called them to do…but true peace and joy only comes from keeping my gaze steadfastly on my Master.

You keep him in perfect peace  whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever,  for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

Isaiah 26:3-4

When I am comparing God’s plan for me to His plans for others, I am going to struggle with pride and resentment. But when I look to Christ, acknowledge His plan for me, and trust that He will sustain me in what He has called me to do…other people quickly fade into the background.

It’s not a competition. I am not a martyr serving alone. Christ has lovingly scripted out a plan for me – my job is to follow Him, and trust that He will carry me every step of the way. His plan for others is none of my concern – it shouldn’t have an effect on my service for Him!

When your eyes start to wander from the task God has given you, when you are putting in the long hours seemingly alone, when you are asked yet again to serve instead of others,  when you struggle with not seeing success, let Christ’s words to Peter echo in your own heart.

What is that to you? You follow me!

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Undaunted: Ps. 62

There are moments when I step back & look at my classroom and think, “wow, I am doing a good job!” Okay, sooooo to be honest, that’s a pretty rare event. I would say it’s about as rare of an event as all of your students having a sharpened, ready-to-use pencil in the month of January. It can happen…but it’s a pretty remarkable and blessed event when it does! Usually I am looking at my classroom and thinking, “man, I am so bad at this.”

Teaching is immensely daunting. Teaching will quickly expose your fears, insecurities, and your sinful flesh. How do we respond when we face…

  • a mountain of paperwork & red tape to work through?
  • an angry email from a parent?
  • how academically low your class is & how far they have to go?
  • a  struggle with a student who outright defies you?
  • juggling personal problems while still being there for your students?
  • the feeling that we genuinely have nothing left to give.

As I was praying through Psalm 62 the other day, the Lord reminded me of the secret to being unshaken in any area of my life, including teaching. I saw how David faced difficult circumstances, yet twice in this passage, he repeats, “I shall not be shaken.” How I long to have that kind of security and confidence! Instead of riding the roller coaster of emotions when difficult circumstances come, I want to stand undaunted, unshaken, as David did. But the secret of being unshaken has nothing to do with what an incredible man David was…the secret had everything to do with Christ. I realized that I,too, can be undaunted because…

1. I am provided for in Christ

For God alone my soul waits in silence;
    from him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.

Ps. 62:1-2

God has already provided for my greatest need in saving me from my sin. As David said, my salvation rests in God alone. My standing in God’s eyes is not based on my students’ achievement test scores, my patience, my teaching ability, or how many students I can “rescue”.  When I was His enemy, He unconditionally loved me enough to send His Son to die for me…that love hasn’t changed now that I am His child! The most important identity in my life is that I am a child of God. Nothing that teaching throws at me can ever shake that reality! So while there are days when I will feel like a horrible teacher,  I can be unshaken knowing that my teaching doesn’t define my value or who I am. Certainly, on those bad days, I should step back & examine what made me have those feelings -are there areas I can & should improve?  However, I don’t come crashing down into despair because on my very worst day, God still loves me, and I have a home in Heaven with Him.  He has already taken care of my greatest need.

If that wasn’t enough, He promises to meet all of my needs (Phil. 4:19)!  He tells me that He will provide strength (Is. 40:31), He will provide wisdom (James 1:5), and He will be with me (Josh. 1:9).

2. I am protected in Christ

He only is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
7On God rests my salvation and my glory;
    my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

Ps. 62:6-7

I love how David refers to God in this Psalm – God is His mighty rock, his refuge, his fortress. David would not be shaken because he was clinging to Christ as His security. Christ was His hope. His soul waited for God…not the approval of others, a relationship, a job, or a change in circumstances.

In verses 3-4, David observes how people have attacked him when he was  already in a weak state. He felt like a leaning wall or a tottering fence as they tried to take him down. He felt betrayed. I think we can sympathize to an extent!

Have you ever received an upset parent email when everything else already felt like it was crumbling? Or had a power struggle with a student when it’s already been a tough day? How can we be undaunted when more trouble comes on top of everything else?

By realizing that our hope must be in Christ & not anything or anyone else.

If I cling to the approval of others, that parent email will devastate me. If I cling to the hope of being a perfect teacher, then that power struggle or student failure will crush me.

But if my hope is in God & His promises to me, those issues can be dealt with knowing I am secure in His family, He loves me, and this is part of His master plan for me (Jer. 29:11, Rom. 8:28-29). Sure, it still isn’t easy…but it’s not the end of the world.

Trust in him at all times, O people;
    pour out your heart before him;
    God is a refuge for us.

Ps. 62:8

Also, when those tough times come, God invites me to pour out my heart before Him. Just think about that for a minute – the God of the universe not only allows us to speak to Him, but He actually wants us to share every single detail and emotion with Him! As an elementary teacher, I am especially in awe of the vast love that God demonstrates to us in asking us to pour out our hearts before Him. I have been on the receiving ends of stories from students that seem like they will never end, and I can fall into the habit of just smiling & nodding, “mmhmm”, as they share every teeny tiny detail of their day at the park. When I asked them about their day,  I was thinking more about the highlight reel since there are several more students waiting to tell me about their day. So when I think about God having many children clamoring for Him,  and yet He still asks me to run to Him & tell Him everything (not just the condensed version!)- my heart is overwhelmed (and also a little convicted).

3. I have the power of Christ

Once God has spoken;
    twice have I heard this:
that power belongs to God,
1and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love.

Ps. 62:11-12a

After reminding us again that we shouldn’t be putting our hope in anything else (v. 9-10), David finishes by reminding us that power belongs to God.

This teacher can breathe a sigh of relief when she realizes it is not up to her to rescue every child that walks through her classroom door. I am not the savior in this story. The power to change Darren’s stubborn heart, the power to help Lisa have a breakthrough in this math unit, the power to have any impact on my students — none of it depends on me! In fact, when I try to save them all & solve all of the problems in my own strength, I end up exhausted, frustrated, and definitely shaken. But  I am only the tool – God is the One who supplies the power. His power is at work in my students, and He is also at work in me. On the bad days, I can be undaunted knowing that He is in control…not me.

So whatever challenges you are facing…you don’t have to ride the emotional roller coaster with its exhilarating highs and debilitating lows. God is your refuge & strength. Pour out your heart to Him, and receive the comfort & grace that only He can give.

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